It seems like this visit
was challenged from the beginning.
Jeannine really wanted to be with me on this visit. She talked about flying to Salina – a town
about an hour from here and on the way to KC if we took the northern
route. I got on the airline internet
sites and found a one way ticket for $79.
That would bring her into Salina about 2:00 in the afternoon. That would get us to KC about 5-6 pm. So I booked it and sent her the email. She would leave Denver at 11:30 am. She called me saying that her ticket was for
MARCH 19 rather than FEBRUARY 19. OH,
NO!! How could I have done that. The plane was a 9-seater and it was full for
the flight I thought I got her. I
immediately got on the site of the airline, and the only way to get her here in
time was an evening flight, leaving Denver at 5:30 pm, getting into Salina at
7:58 pm. For $299. ARGH.
She said that was too much and too late.
She said she would just take the Green Ride bus back to Ft.
Collins. I could hear her about to
cry. I told her I would just pay it, and
we would just get to KC a little later than planned. So that was plan “b”. She said the weather was really bad in
Denver and hoped the plane would be on time.
There was one chance for her to get on the early flight. Everyone had checked in but one person. In order to be on stand by for that flight
(in case that person did not show), I had to very quickly pay for the evening
flight so she could get through security on time. I was frantically trying to type all the
necessary stuff necessary to purchase that evening flight ticket, so the lady
at the ticket counter could get the confirmation before they would let her head
for security. When you are in a hurry to
type with that kind of pressure, you make all kinds of mistakes. I had her on the phone, and she was conferring
with the ticket lady. FINALLY, I got it
to go through and gave her the confirmation number, and she took off for
security. At the very last minute, that
person showed up! Bummer!! I told her it was OK. We would just go later.
Here she is boarding this little plane in Denver.
We were all packed with
the car loaded, so there was nothing for us to do but nap! I think Guy ended up taking 3 naps all
together. That was good, because he was
good to go for the late trip. She was
able to board on time.
We took off for the airport. We had never been to the Salina airport
before, and we knew it couldn’t be very big.
There is an Air Force base in Salina, and the Maps app Guy had was
taking us to that Air Force training airport.
We arrived just a bit ahead of her scheduled arrival, but we could not
find the terminal. We drove all over the place, and there simply was no
terminal – and no cars anywhere. I was
about to panic because it was well past her time to land, and we could not find
her!! We backtracked down the road to a
Casey’s station, and Guy went in to ask.
We came within a stone’s throw of it in our driving back and forth, back
and forth. It was not well marked as to
how to get there – one little sign that we had whizzed by. When we got to the stop sign, we were
supposed to turn left instead of right.
It’s a wonder we didn’t get picked up driving all over that Air Force
base. FiNALLY, we found the place!! Her plane was due to land in 5 minutes. They had left Denver 30 minutes late due to
getting the plane deiced. She had sent
me a picture after boarding of a passenger seated in front of her.

She finally arrived, and we
all headed to Overland Park. We had
never taken this route before. It was
supposed to be all interstate, but when we neared OP, it took us off on another
state road. At first it was a two-way
road, but soon turned into a 4-lane divided highway. We had no idea how it was going to end up,
but we just followed the Maps app. The
biggest issue was a freezing mist most of the way. The road was not slick, thankfully!! But it was nerve-wracking for me – prayed all
the way!
We got in about
midnight. Mark was in Toronto, and Amy
and Chris were in Hutch (Chris had Monday and Tuesday out of school), so we had
the whole house to ourselves. We went to
bed pretty quickly since I had to be across town this morning by 8:00. That meant we would be in rush hour traffic,
but the worst part of it was that an ice storm was predicted overnight and for
the morning. We left plenty early, not
knowing how bad it would be. Thankfully,
the area was right on the edge of the bad ice when we left, and they were
warmer than in LR, so the roads were just wet when we left. HOWEVER, while I was getting my MRI, Guy said
an awful amount of ice came down, coating the roads. It let up by the time I got through. As soon as I finished, I started itching a
spot on my upper right arm. I looked at
it, and it felt just like a mosquito bite.
When the nurse saw it, she said she would have to escort me to Urgent
Care which was in the same building to be checked out and make sure it was not
a reaction to the contrast solution they use IV during the procedure. I was taken back immediately, and the doctor came
in. He looked the bump over well and
said he did not see that there was any evidence of a bug bite. He talked about the signs of anaphylactic
shock. He didn’t think it was that – I wasn’t
having any breathing difficulties or trouble with swollen throat or tongue. He told me to wait in the waiting room for
another 15 minutes just to be sure I was going to be OK. By the time we left, it was just raining, but
the roads were very slushy. We were
about 19 miles from Mark’s house and didn’t really have any trouble getting
there. Thankfully, the traffic was light.
I had made arrangements
originally to meet with a long-time dear friend of mine, Carol Broadbooks, on
Monday afternoon, but since those plans had changed, I thought we would be back
to Mark’s about 10, after the MRI, and we might have about 30 minutes we could
meet. But when the weather turned so
bad, I texted her that she might not want to get out. However, she said she would try. The first time, she said her tires just spun
trying to go over the little hill out of her neighborhood. We were so disappointed. She called, so we could at least take, but
after talking for a bit, she said she was going to try it again. She was so determined to get to see me! That time she made it and arrived at Mark’s
with about 30 minutes before I had to leave to get my lab work done. What a precious, precious lady Carol is. She and Bob were our pastors in Hutch
Nazarene Church when our kids were small.
I’ve had a lot of great pastors over the years, but I think they threw
the mold away when they created Bob and Carol.
It is so strange and so wonderful how our lives have come together again
and again over the years. Bob became a
district superintendent in Alabama while we were there, and we got to go to
lunch several times. We always seemed to
pick up each time with where we left off.
More like a sister to me. Then
they moved to the Tennessee district, and I thought I’d never see them again. Then Bob got promoted to the Regional Director
for the USA/Canada Region for the Church of the Nazarene, headquartered in
Kansas City. Well, wouldn’t you know –
they are in Olathe, KS (next to OP), and here we are in Kansas, so our paths
cross again!! She came to Mark’s this
morning, read Scriptures to me and prayed such a beautiful prayer. I can hardly believe how God has been so good
to bring us together again. I feel so
honored to call her my friend, and she is such a blessing to me. I hope my heavenly home is not far from
hers!! I just love this couple!!
At 11:15 I had labs drawn
at the KU Cancer Center which, thankfully, was only about 10 minutes from Mark’s
house. Then I saw Dr. Powers at
noon. The first thing he told me was that
my MRI of my head was normal – as far as NO metastasis to the brain!! This was indeed a positive start to our
visit. He showed me on the computer the
images and how they did show the cancer on the outside of the skull. This only verified what is very obvious on my
head and face. He then immediately
started to talk about this mutation marker.
He showed me the print out (many, many pages), and how they had looked
though 100s of markers and found only one!
That is a very good thing. If they
had found more than one, he would not have known which one to attack, but
because there was only leading marker, they could pick the medication that
would target my cancer. He was very
honest about the fact that there was no data on this drug treating
angiosarcome. There are two drugs and
both are FDA approved to be effective for lung cancer and melanoma. He named one of the major hospitals (can’t
remember the name) that was doing a study on this medication being used for
sarcomas, but no data collected against angiosarcoma. So, he said it was a “hail Mary”, and he
could not tell me if it would help at all, but it was worth a try. He said this was pretty much my last chance,
and if it did not work, we would have to start considering hospice. Jeannine had wanted me to ask him to explain
a little more about his recommendations for hospice for me, rather than just
throwing that term out there again and again.
He explained the symptoms I would start exhibiting if it were time –
like not eating, drastic weight losses, not able to be up and about to take
care of myself, etc. I feel like I’m a
long way from any of those symptoms. I
told him that as far as how I feel, it Is great. It’s just that if you look at my head and
face progression, it is pretty bad. He
showed me my lab results, and they were the best I’ve had in a very long time –
Hgb 13.4. That is fantastic and probably
why I feel so good. My WBC is 8.4 and platelets
204. It seems strange to me that
everything is headed in such a positive direction except for this STINKING
I’ll include a recent
picture at the end so you have to scroll to see it. You’ll probably look at it and feel there is
no hope, but God works in impossibilities.
I don’t expect to ever look normal again, but Dr. Powers said this on my
cheek should start receding if the med was working. By the way, most of the swelling in my eyes
is so much better.
Dr. Powers brought one of
the pharmacists in to talk to me about this drug. The pharmacists there are SO helpful. You can call them any time with a question or
concern about side effects, and they call me to see how I’m doing with the
meds. The biggest hurdle with the
medication was to be getting my insurance to pay for it, because even though it
is FDA approved, there is no data for my kind of cancer. They did say that if my insurance turned it
down, they had other ways of helping me with it. UPDATE: I did get a recorded call after getting home, and he recorded message was that it was denied. BUMMER! I'll call the pharmacy in the morning and see where we go from here.
I asked Dr. Powers if he
was hopeful. He again reiterated that it
was kind of a shot in the dark – kind of our last-ditch effort, since he couldn’t
guarantee anything. I was OK with
that. I was willing to take the
chance. I said, “You aren’t giving up on
me, are you?” He assured me that he was
not. He explained how, even when
patients went to hospice, it may seem like they have given up on them, but they
hadn’t – it was just another step in the journey. After he left the room, I said to the nurse
that I felt he had a more positive attitude this time than the last three
times. She said, “Well, he has something
concrete to offer you this time, where before he didn’t, and it’s really hard
to be upbeat when what you are doing is not working, and you have nothing else
to offer. It certainly takes a special
person to be an oncologist. You have to deliver
so much bad news to people that you have become attached to.
Jeannine said she felt
like we had a more honest conversation today, and at one point she thought he
was going to cry. Guy, Jeannine, and I
all left feeling more positive this time than other times. AND there is this whole CREW of prayer
warriors out there, at least one is even fasting
and praying for me. So many people truly
believe that I’ll be healed. I believe
that finding only one marker to target is a God-thing. Perhaps this is God bringing this medication
to me. I know He is still in
control. My evening devotion last night
was so on target.
I can’t possibly know what
the future holds for me, but I do know Who holds my tomorrows. “Instead of bemoaning your circumstances, you
can look to Me for help. You recall not
only am I with you, I am holding you by your right hand.”
As always…….I’m in His
PS A big praise the Lord was getting home safely. When we left OP, the roads were covered in ice. We thought when we got to the interstate, the ice would be cut off with the big trucks and traffic. No so! We didn't really run out of it until about an hour when we left the interstate. By the time we got home, the roads were clear. There is still ice an snow on our lawns. Jeannine left for Ft. Collins about 4:30, driving back the GMC that was left here when we got her the used CRV (which she loves). I've sure been praying that the GMC gets her home one more time. She should arrive about midnight our time. She had to be back for work on Wednesday. I sure did appreciate her coming!!
See pictures below (if you want).
This was when my eyes were so swollen, and they are not now. But you can see that the left side of my face is somewhat enlarged.