Well, yesterday was a rough day to get through. I had to take Jeannine and Maya to the airport to catch the plane back to Bozeman, MT. I now have a large Jeannine- and Maya-shaped hole in my heart, and it is very painful. :(
We had such a great time with them. They flew to Atlanta, then Salt Lake City, then Bozeman. The layover in Salt Lake was to be 45 minutes which would be very tight time-wise. They left Atlanta late, but the plane she was to catch in Salt Lake was late arriving. In fact the airport there was a mess. It was snowing and many flights were delayed. She was in an area of the airport where there were about a thousand people. Being packed in there, she could not let Maya get down. She gave her a bottle, and thankfully she slept until they got on the next flight. She had been so good all the way. Jeannine had a little DVD player with an Elmo movie which Maya absolutely LOVES! While here, we kept that DVD in my SUV and every time we would go somewhere, as soon as we would open the door to put her in the car seat, she would say, "ELMO!" They were to originally arrive in Bozeman at 6:30 (their time), but called me at 9:55 (our time). They made it home just fine, but it ended up being a 12-hour trip. She said that Maya was the only baby on the plane that didn't cry even though Elmo "died" halfway through that last flight.
After a good cry in my car at the Birmingham airport, I had to go to work. I had to travel to the north campus to meet with some other instructors to get our semester plans finalized. We have nursing classes on both campuses. I met with Melisa, my counterpart on the other campus, Stephanie, who is teaching in the LPN program and is a graduate of our program, and Erin who is my preceptee for the semester. I took a complete break from school work during the holidays, so now I have to really hit the road running to get ready for class Monday.
The pediatric content of my course was "dumped" on me at the end of last semester (which is another whole story), so I have a lot to do to get ready for the 2nd half of the semester.
We woke up to lots of thunder and lightening and a tornado watch this morning. It is crazy to be worrying about tornados in January! It is forecasted to be 68 degrees today. January and February are our worst winter months, but we haven't really had any winter weather yet. That certainly doesn't hurt my feelings!
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