Monday, December 10, 2018

Riding the roller coaster

I need to catch up, but this will be short.  My fingertips are very tender.  This causes me great concern.  How bad will this get?  Will it be permanent like it is in my feet?  My feet are just numb, so thankfully walking, with the proper shoes and inserts does not cause all that much pain.  There is no way to play my keyboard this way.  It hurts to put any pressure on my nails.  What is weird is that the pain didn’t start until about a week after the 2ndround of chemo.  The first round just caused a little numbness – even though I used ice during the infusion.  Well, there just isn’t anything I can do about it but ride it out.  It even hurts to press the keys on the TV remote. 😞

Actually, last week was pretty good to me.  I had to take those 5 shots to build my WBC.  Took the last one today (until the chemo on Friday drops my counts again).  I’ve learned to manage the flu-like SE by taking Tylenol on a schedule.  One of the SE that has shown up is terrible drying and wrinkling my face and neck.  A peeling rash is occurring, and the area is very itchy.  I’ve found that using emu oil is mostly relieving the itching.

The other – and probably biggest issue right now – is that both underarms are very swollen, red, ITCHY, and painful.  I have a powerful steroid cream that was given to me during another chemo time that broke my arms out to the point of scabbing.  Dr. Powers said to try that, and if it didn’t work, it may be a fungus issue which often happens.  I’ll give it a couple days then I’ll switch to the Lamisil if there is no improvement.

My “undercarriage” (as my daughter calls it) is better.  The doctor called in a prescription for a strong steroid cream.  That has really helped – hasn’t removed the issue, but greatly improved. Thank you, Jesus!!!

Another big issue is sleep deprivation.  Didn’t sleep at all last night, so pretty dragging today – plus running a low-grade fever (from the shots) – just enough to make me feel lousy today.  The nurse said the doctor could order a low-dose of Ativan.  I’m just so reluctant to take sleeping pills – not sure why.  I take a Benadryl when I go to bed – to help with the histamine from the stimulated bone marrow.

I did go to SS and church Sunday – wearing a mask.  I did enjoy getting back among my support group and worshiping.  The pastor’s message was just for me – all about HOPE.  I did OK, but wore me out.  

I did get a project finished in the basement with my sewing machine a couple days ago.  Just had to bust it out!

Mark and Amy came for a visit this weekend.  Mark went hunting with a couple of his high school friends.  It was so nice to spend time with them.  I don’t think people really realize how much it means just to come and visit a bit.

I am halfway through this round of chemo treatments – at least until I go back to KC.  It may continue after that.  What I can tell you is that it is working.  It’s slowly, but it is working.  I had this big purple blister at the outer corner of my left eye.  It has been drying.  The other night it bled out, and yesterday, the purple scab came off. My forehead is flaking big-time – a good thing.  There are still 5 scabs yet to come off there.

Today, after I got my shot in McPherson, we stopped at Wendy’s for lunch.  This lady (from a group of other ladies) came over to me and asked if we would like some candy from her sack (peppermints).  She asked in a very concerned voice if I was OK.  I told her yes – I just have cancer on my head.  I had one of my crocheted hats on.  She asked for my name so she could pray for me.  Wow!

I put the most recent pictures at the end.

Things I’m thankful for:
The Christmas spirit – songs, decorations
The Reason for the season
The sun shone today.
My rib has not hurt for weeks.
We didn’t get the big snow that North and South Carolina got.
My favorite nativity set Jeannine gave me several years ago.

My furbaby.

My warm home.
Haven’t contracted an infection during these low blood count times. Thank you, Jesus!!
My ladies’ Bible study group who brought us two huge plates of food from the annual Christmas lunch that I could not attend.
My husband who continues to do the cooking, cleaning, and driving where I need to go.

And as always…..I remain in His hands….

Scroll for pictures

Eye is less black.  Big blistery scab at outer corner of my eye gone. 

Cheek lighter and scaling.

Rash on my neck.

Rash on my cheeks and under eyes.  But face is more symmetrical now.

Rash under left arm.

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